Neuroscience Research Day 2020
Why a neuroscience research day?
Neuroscience is a research strength and priority at Western. Surprisingly, and despite the large number of world-renowned programs studying brain function, we lack a singular event that brings the community together. The absence of an integrative event means that we as a scientific community are missing out on vital opportunities to share resources and skills, and seed new collaborations. We are also missing out on opportunities to showcase the myriad ways that training in neuroscience can lead to fulfilling careers within society. NRD is a unique by-trainees-for-trainees conference that will address these gaps.
An explicit aim is to ensure that the event is open to anyone conducting neuroscience related research on campus, and hence the intended reach of the event is also much broader than that of a traditional departmental research day.
2nd Annual NRD: February 20th & 21st, 2020
The NRD2020 organizing committee wishes to thank all those who attended and all of our generous supporters!
Keynote Speaker
A special thank you to Dr. Allison Sekular for a fantastic kick-off to NRD 2020!
Congratulations to our award winners!
Top Platform Talks
Abdullah Azeem - MSc student, McGill University
Tyler Dexter - PhD student, UWO
Top Poster Presentations
Neil Donison - MSc student, UWO
Karnig Kazazian - MSc student, UWO
Kevin Santiago - MSc student, UWO
Spencer Arbuckle - PhD student, UWO
Shannon Compton - PhD student, UWO
Nathan Oesch - Post-doctoral fellow, UWO
Collaboration Award
Hannah MacNeil - MSc student, UWO
Stephanie Tullo - PhD student, McGill University
Brain Art Award
Rubina Malik - PhD student, UWO