About The Dorsal Column
It is a pleasure to welcome you to The Dorsal Column – a quarterly publication that shares stories about brain research with the broader London community. Each issue features articles regarding neuroscience research carried out in affiliation with Western University and is written and reviewed by a team of graduate students and postdoctoral fellows. Our mission is to strengthen public engagement and enthusiasm for science by bringing research out of the lab and into the community.
To learn more about how The Dorsal Column started, and the importance of science communication, please click here.
At The Dorsal Column we are always accepting new writers and editors to volunteer with us! If you are interested, please contact our co-editor-in-chiefs Sarah at smyers33@uwo.ca and Deanne at dwah@uwo.ca who will set up a short interview.
You can also follow us on social media to stay updated with new publications!
Read our articles using the links below:
Pain is not just in the brain of the beholder
by Bradley KaratOxytocin: The ‘Empathy Drug’?
by Karen WongWhat's Next? Unlocking the Brain's Ability to Predict Visual Experience using Artificial Intelligence
by Matthew KolisnykHow do brain structure differences affect reading abilities?
by Michaela Kent -
Four More Fascinating Science Reads
by Vladislav Novikov and Dika OjiakorCatchy, annoying, intrusive: What makes some songs so unforgettable?
by Niki SinhaBrains in Synchrony: A study of social cognition and Despicable Me?
by Deanne WahHorton hears a WHAT! The consequences of noise induced hearing loss on the brain
by Mohammed Al-Youzbaki -
The amygdala, anxiety and Autism Spectrum Disorder
by Michaela KentViolent video games, empathy, and personality traits: are they related?
by Daniel GuimaraesA Head-On Solution: Concussion Impairment Can Potentially Be Detected Using the Colour of Words
by Chloe CheungHow a genetic mutation can change the way you process sounds
by Alice Zheng -
Microglia: An essential sanitation crew
by Gurneet JassalA Balancing Act: How Nitric Oxide Can Keep Your Neurons Happy
by Matthew MaksoudThe Damaging Effects of Orphanages on the Brain
by Michaela KentThe impact of loud noise on the brain: Part II
by Salonee PatelInflammation and cognition: a closer look at early Alzheimer’s disease
by Sarah Myers -
What is reading comprehension like with ADHD? It is hard, but you can help!
by Deanne WahMovement as Medicine for Older Adults
by Bradley KaratAdjusting your brain from the inside: Promising results of neurofeedback for treatment of PTSD
by Sam MesternThe Hitchhiker’s Guide to Finding Bliss
by Matthew MaksoudFour Fascinating Science Reads
by Dika Ojiakor and Vladislav Novikov -
What does your brain want you to eat?
by Julia SunstrumIs It Rewarding? How Dopamine Affects Short-Term & Long-Term Decisions
by Josephine PhamCan head impacts alter athletes’ brains even without a concussion?
by Bradley KaratStudying the Unborn Brain: From Silence to Sound
by Gurneet JassalTinnitus: What brain changes underlie the ringing in your ears?
by Salonee PatelWhat Really Grinds Your Gears: How Oxidative Damage Contributes to Alzheimer’s Disease
by Matthew MaksoudPositive vibes: How music may influence your attention
by Justine CléryFinding the Center: Alzheimer’s disease may originate from an unlikely brain region
by Dika Ojiakor -
Releasing the handbrake at the intersection between stress and the immune system
by Sam MesternFocus piece - More than just a cold: The impact of infection during early pregnancy on the developing fetal brain
by Faraj HaddadNew tech brings new hope for brain cancer
by Kaela ScottCerebellar Ataxia—The Unbalanced Illness
by Nicholas Handfield-JonesCranial Connections: What they are and how they are affected in very preterm born infants
by Rubina Malik -
Down the slope: links between infection during pregnancy and brain development
by Miguel Peña-OrtizTargeting the Body’s Immune Response to Improve Recovery After Spinal Cord Injury
by Matthew MaksoudThe Stressful Storm of Adolescence: Implications for Autism Spectrum Disorder
by Indra BishnoiBrain tissue from living patients: A new perspective on Parkinson’s Disease
by Julia SunstrumAre we better at reaching for what we see, or what we feel?
by Justine ClérySilent communication: A brain-computer interface that can read minds
by Syed Raza -
Our brain knows to change: merging sound and sight after hearing loss
by Kaela ScottThe Uncertainty of Rett Syndrome
by Kartik PradeepanDown low, too slow: How your brain learns optimal hand control
by Rubina MalikThe Evolution of Stress: How Predator-induced Fear Might Explain the Origin of PTSD
by Dika OjiakorMaking Sense of the Noise: Uncovering the Function of an Autism-Associated Gene
by Viki TelliosEcholocation in Humans: How hearing helps people with vision loss “see” their environment
by Sam Mestern -
The Nauseating Side of Chemotherapy
by Indra BishnoiThe Bilingual Advantage Dilemma: Psychological Fact or Failure to Replicate?
by Josephine PhamHow the motor and visual areas of the brain work together to guide reaching and grasping movements
by Justine CléryBeyond the Brain: How our spinal cord works to maintain hand position
by Syed RazaLearning on the fly: Unpacking intellectual disability genes
by Miguel Peña-OrtizPaying attention to null results: Examining the effects of Ritalin on the brain
by Megan RoussyThe Highway to Neurodegeneration: why your brain needs a proper mechanic
by Matthew Maksoud -
Alzheimer’s disease: Losing behavioural flexibility
by Ariel FramePET project to highlight the trace of death in life
by Simon Benoit‘Micro’ cells with major functions: Scientists discover new pathway for brain immunity
by Viki TelliosEpilepsy provides insight into déjà vu phenomenon
by Julia Sunstrum“Hand-in-hand” – How the brain handles a missing body part
by Kartik PradeepanMajor assumption of fMRI likely correct
by Nicholas Handfield-JonesSmall RNA molecules may explain a hallmark of ALS
by Dika OjiakorHair, Cortisol & Mummies: How your brain’s stress response can leave marks on your body that last a millennium
by Sam Mestern