Abode Illustrator Guide for Scientists
Download accompanying PDF cheat sheet and keyboard shortcuts
Video Tutorial with Kelly Bullock
Adobe Illustrator is an extremely powerful vector graphic software with some quirks that can make it feel unintuitive at first. In this mini course, we are going to cover the basics of the essential tools for creating scientific figures and graphs to demystify the process.
This course is for scientists who are just starting out with Adobe Illustrator or who want a refresher on the basics.
Introduction 00:00:00
Document Setup 00:01:25
Navigation 00:03:13
Simple Shapes 00:04:55
Complex Shapes 00:12:47
Photographs 00:24:05
Colour 00:27:21
Text 00:37:49
Diagram Demo 00:42:45
Processing Graphs 01:06:53
Saving & Exporting 01:18:20