Matthew Burke, MD
Dr. Matthew Burke is a Cognitive Neurologist in the Neuropsychiatry Program at Sunnybrook Health Sciences Center. He is appointed as an Assistant Professor at the University of Toronto in both Psychiatry and Neurology. He holds positions as Director of Sunnybrook’s Traumatic Brain Injury Program and Neuropsychiatry Lead for University of Toronto Neurology Program. Prior to his current appointments, Dr. Burke completed medical school and neurology training at the University of Toronto as well as a fellowship in Cognitive Neurology and Neuropsychiatry at Harvard Medical School. In line with the presentation title, Dr. Burke’s research focuses on investigating complex topics in the grey zones between neurology, psychiatry, and neuroscience. His research has resulted in several high-impact publications and media attention on outlets such as CNN, BBC, Globe and Mail and Vice.
Presentation title: Tales from the Interface of Neurology, Psychiatry and Neuroscience